Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mineral Fusion Nail Polish Glint of Mint

I purchased this polish in an Ulta order with a birthday gift card.  I hadn't heard of the brand before but when I was browsing through the list of sales on the Ulta website I noticed these were on sale Buy One Get One Free so I couldn't resist trying them out at $4.50 a polish.  I haven't seen them in stores around me so I'm not sure if they're available other than online.  Mineral Fusion Polishes are formaldehyde, toulene, camphor and dibutyl pthalate free.

They seem to have a pretty decent range of colors including a couple of glitters.  I didn't have a mint polish in my collection which is why I picked this color and I also purchased Coral Reef which I'll show sometime soon since it's a great summer color.

Indoors, Natural Light

Glint of Mint is a mint green creme polish.  Since I don't have any other mints I can't compare it to other similar polishes, but I do like this color and may pick up another similar shade soon.

Outside, Shade

The cap is a bit awkward to hold on this one and took some getting used to, but the bush itself is a nice size.  I did mess up my thumbnail a bit since I didn't wait very long to take photos, so that's why it doesn't look so great in the pictures.

Blurry Brush Picture

The formula was on the thick side and the first coat went on a little streaky, but it evened out and was opaque with the second coat.  All photos include a base coat of Essie Grow Stronger, two coats of polish, and a top coat of NYC In a New York Minute in Grand Central Station.

Outside, Sunlight

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